Another paid to search... this one sounds much easier to rack up the points quickly, and I've been told that a lot of folks, also, win instant prizes, like gift cards, just randomly, from doing the searches. I'm gonna give it a try!
How does our search engine and points system work?
Step 1: Perform a regular search query. You will get back your search results (our search results are a real-time compilation of the top search results from the best search engines). For each search you perform, you will receive "2" points (up to a maximum of 100 points per day). Once you click on a result, you will open up a new webpage with the search result website in it.
Step 2: At the top of the webpage, you will see our frame which asks you to decide to either recommend or not recommend a website to other users. By recommending or not recommending a website, you will receive "4" points (up to a maximum of 100 points per day).
Step 3: You can also receive points by referring a friend on our "Refer a friend" link at the bottom of every page. Each friend of yours that registers on the iRazoo website will earn you "50" points (there is no limit to the number of points you can earn this way. You have no daily limit, the number of points you can earn are unlimited!!!)
Step 4: Redeem all your hard earned points on our "Accounts" page by exchanging them for exciting prizes such as MP3 players, cameras, memory sticks, game systems, etc!
Step 5: In addition to more points, each person you refer to the website increases your chances of earning an Instant-Win Gift Certificate! How you may ask? It's simple. If anybody you refer to the iRazoo website wins a Gift Certificate, you will win that same Gift Certificate as well! Gift certificates are awarded randomly to users just for searching and/or voting on websites.
The best way to earn more points or win an Instant Gift Certificate is to use iRazoo as your everyday search engine and to refer as many people as possible to iRazoo.
Your benefits for using iRazoo:
- You get excellent search results (we aggregate all the data from the best search engines on the planet!)
- You get to help further refine our excellent search results for others as well as benefit from other's refined search results
- You get points for each search you perform, each website you recommend/not recommend, and each referral you make
- Best of all, you get to exchange your points for fantastic prizes!