Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Earn cool prizes and $$ just for searching, as usual with Swagbucks!
I've tried all the online earning opps, and been pretty successful with most, but haven't liked most of the search and win sites, as they just don't pay enough. Swagbucks is different though! I've been a member for a couple months, and have already earned over 200 Swagbucks, which can be used for really, really cool prizes, or even Paypal! I downloaded the toolbar, which isn't huge and annoying like some, and just use it for my regular searches, and every day, I get extra bucks! You can also get "free" swagcodes in the toolbar, so it really adds up quickly!
Give it a try, it's easy to cash out for a good Amazon gift card, etc. every couple weeks, and you don't have to work hard to do it!!!
$125 ONLINE BULLETIN BOARD Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York
We have an online opinion study on October 12th, 13th and 14th. The time commitment PER day will be approximately 45 minutes and we will ask you to log 2X per day. Your children need to be available for a portion of that time, as we mat ask questions of them as well. WE will pay $125 for the 3 days. Additionally, 3 people from each city (we are recruiting 15 per city) will be selected to participate in a follow up in home interview that lasts 2 hours (and will be scheduled at your convenience) on (Atlanta – 10/20-10/22) Los Angeles (10/27-10/29) and NY Metro (11/2-11/4) This will be a FAMILY interview – so kids and parents will need to be available – it will be videotaped and we will pay you $250 for this portion of the study.
If interested:
Complete Name
Telephone Number
What is your ethnic background?
Where do you live? ( Atlanta , Los Angles, NY Metro)
What city specifically do you live in specifically?
How far from downtown are you located in miles?
Do you have children?
If yes – please list genders and ages
What brand or brands of athletic apparel or shoes is your child/children currently
Is your child or children involved in organized or team sports?
If yes, please list specifically what organized/team sports they are involved in.
Mom Central :Help us Test a New iPhone Application for Moms
Got an active schedule, an iPhone and a desire for a simpler life? We want to talk to you!
Let's face it, with Mom balancing between board room, school room and just about every room, she could use some serious help. If you have an iPhone or iPod Touch and use applications, we would love your help testing a new App for Moms that intuitively helps keep track of everything you need on the go, with information already in your phone.
Fifty Mom testers will try out the new App for a month and share their thoughts and opinions. As a thank you for being an important part of the development, you will receive a $20 iTunes gift card.
To sign up, please click here and fill out this quick form.
Focus Pointe Global Nationwide $150 Paid Phone Interview - Ages 18-29 - Spending Habits
US shoppers 18-29 from work or home makers $150 telling us about your spending habits!!
Call 1-800-381-8955 ref# 37323CD
This is a great, reliable company.
High school teachers phone interview, pays $100
We are looking for high school teachers for a national research study, that is being conducted over the telephone. There is a $100 stipend and the interviews are 30 minutes. Interviews will be scheduled later this week or next week. This is a marketing research study to learn about resources and support that teachers would find beneficial. No one will attempt to sell you anything, before, during or as a result of the interview. A check will be sent by mail within a couple of weeks of the phone interview.
If you are interested, please email us with your name, phone number, email address, at what school you teach, what city and what grade or subject, if you are a dept. head, lead teacher or classroom teacher and a good time to contact you or call us at 617-218-0303. As we will only be speaking with a small number of individuals, we may not be able to include everyone who may be interested. If you have friends or relatives in another state who may be interested, please pass this along.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Free Night introduces people to the thrill of live theatre - absolutely free of charge!
Last fall, 650 theatre companies, in 120 cities from coast to coast, opened their doors to over 65,000 new theatergoers. This year, our participating theatre companies will offer even more tickets for free. Join thousands of audience members - from Portland to Charleston, and from Houston to Minneapolis - and explore all the wonderful entertainment your local theatre community has to offer!
Whether you've never been to the theatre before, or just haven't been in a long time, our Free Night theatres have something for you!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Another birthday has arrived
Well, here in Oklahoma, it's officially my thirty-somethingth :) birthday. Another year gone. It's been a rough one... just lost my Grandfather last week, ended a three year relationship a few months ago, had a lot of rough things happen. But, I guess, it's time to, "officially" start the year over... forget waiting for Jan. 1! I'm declaring the new year NOW!!! lol
Even with the rough year, I do have a lot to be grateful for. I look over at my nine year old, sleeping peacefully, knowing we've got a roof over our heads, and he doesn't have to be worried about my ex being "mean to Mama". My fourteen year old is getting ready for school tomorrow (still, at this late hour, but at least he's great about getting up in the mornings! lol). My daughter and I have grown closer than ever in the past few months. My oldest son... while he's struggling with the peer pressure and every day pressures of being an "almost adult", and at times, driving me completely nuts, he's alive and well, and still a good kid. He loves his Mama.
My father, whom I have always idolized, and I had a rough patch a few months ago, but I thank God for the recent communication I have had with him... as, yes, I can be a very stubborn person at times, but I couldn't imagine life without my "Daddy". My Aunt and I have become closer than we have ever been. I never really got to know her until my few months out in California recently.
My Mom was trying to take time off to come see me for my birthday. Doesn't look like it's going to happen, but just the fact that she was genuinely trying, means the world to me.
Things have been really bleak lately, but then, I do have to really open my eyes to the blessings that I do have in my life, and just thank God. Sometimes, things really do seem so overwhelming, and overbearing, but when I really open my eyes, I do see that, despite all the hardships, I DO have a purpose, and I do have four little ones (not so little anymore) that need and love their Mama, no matter how many mistakes I have made in my life... how could anyone not be grateful for that?!
So... here's to another year... hopefully one that's better, easier, and less painful. Here's to doing my part, to try to have a positive outlook and do whatever I can to make that happen. Here's to being thankful that I am still here, getting to enjoy those special joys that are mine alone.
Happy Birthday to me...
Males... $50 Beer Study!
We're looking for males to participate in a research study about their beer drinking preferences. If you qualify, you will receive $50 for completing a assignment on your alcoholic preferences.
Harlequin™ Teen Panel
Harlequin will be launching a new line of Teen fiction books in the future. These books will be different from the books that Harlequin publishes for women today.
In addition to our new line of books, Harlequin has also just launched a Teen Research Panel for young readers ages 13 to17 who are U.S residents..
This panel will be similar to Tell Harlequin research panel in that it is strictly for research purposes and we will not try to sell your teen anything or sell their information to third parties. Teens will be asked to fill out fun quizzes; they’ll participate in discussions and will also receive FREE books (approximate retail value of $10-$15 per book?) and have a chance to enter into sweepstakes (with your permission).
If you have a teen who would be interested in joining our fun new panel please click below to find out more about Harlequin™ Teen Panel, and how your teen may qualify and register to be a part of it and how you may provide your consent to your teen’s participation
Once you have given consent as well as your teen’s email address, name, age and country of residence we will email your teen and ask them to complete our first quiz to see if they qualify for our panel. If your teen qualifies, another email will be sent to you with a link to our Panel Consent Form.
Thank You,
Tell Harlequin Team and The Harlequin Teen Panel Team
Link to panel
$150 Fieldwork Study On Managing Emails
Managing Emails
To start, you will need to answer a short preliminary questionnaire to see if you may qualify. Please click this link to get to the preliminary questionnaire.
This is not an invitation to participate, however, it is an invitation to see if you qualify to participate. Depending on the number of responses we may or may not be able to contact all interested participants.
Up to $150
for participating in an ongoing study. Each month, you would have a question/ answer session that would last about 30 minutes. You would be given 1-2 days to complete the session at your convenience. You would be paid $50 for each session you complete.
No sales involved, ever!
Note: These questions are for market research purposes. Sometimes we are looking for people that have purchased and/or consumed certain products/services, and sometimes we are looking for people that have not done so. Please be honest with your responses. The sponsor of this research has approved this e-mail message.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
My Share Earn for Contributions of All Kinds!
1. Contribute First contribute a content to Savvy Spot. Everything (We mean everything including deals, freebies, reviews, questions, advice, images, recommendations, contact information, links, files and even a comment) is eligible for My Share™ program. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. Watch the shares grow Every day, Savvy Spot will issue an X number of shares to the user for each of their contributions based on several different factors. These factors include number of views, number of positive ratings, number of negative ratings, and amount of activities. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. Get Paid Every month, after Savvy Spot settles its revenue with the advertiser, Savvy Spot will set aside a portion of its revenue for the My Share™ exchange program. Then based on the amount of revenue and the amount of shares issued in the previous month, an exchange rate will be calculated, which will dictate how much cash we pay for a single issue of My Share™. Then the user's account will be credited based on this exchange rate. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Recent exchange rates are displayed below:
Start Earning with My Share
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Paid Online Veterans Stress Research Study
Dear Recent Veterans,
Vets Prevail is providing an online post deployment, readjustment research study to Veterans as they transition back to civilian life post military service. You may qualify to participate in this online study on stress during the transition back after service. Vets Prevail looks to recruit returning Veterans from Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.
The Vets Prevail Online Research Study
• Participate in the study from the comfort of your home
• It is completely confidential
• Set up study visits around your schedule
• Designed for vets, by vets
• Your participation may assist with training for future veterans
Compensation of $150 by completing the study; Click here to begin: Link
Know recent veterans who’d be interested? Forward this on!
Can’t commit right now?
• Follow Vets Prevail on Facebook:
• Email us at to receive our newsletter and become eligible for future studies.
Possible $100 for medicare study
To see if you qualify for this study, please take 1-2 minutes and answer the questions on the link below. If you’re qualified, we will call you back to go through the remaining questions and session information.
If you know anyone else who might be interested in participating, please feel free to pass this email on to family, friends, and colleagues.
Thank You,
Roxie Alexander
Panel Director
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 Sign Up To Be an Oral Care Product Tester
I'm pretty sure this one is different than the one that those in the survey world have signed up for many times over the years and never heard back from them...
Worth a shot!
“Join the team and receive free oral care product samples to try in your home, and provide to your friends and family. By joining, you will be able to provide product feedback directly to the manufacturers of the samples that you receive. The more feedback you provide, the more samples you will receive.”
23-day Sleep Research study, $5445, Boston
Man, I, sooooo wish they did studies like this in my area! lol I've seen some crazy ones listed in my day.... getting paid to smoke pot, studies for meth users, I can't even begin to tell ya all of the ones I've seen! Of course, I don't qualify for the two I just told ya about!!!!! lol But for the money they pay... it should make some stoners happy!!! haha
Anyway, in case one of my lucky readers lives in Boston, here's an easy one... a sleep study... that pays over 5 grand!!!
The Division of Sleep Medicine at Brigham & Women’s Hospital is seeking healthy men & women ages 18-30 who are not on medications to participate in a research study about how differences in the PER3 gene impact sleep and performance. You will have a 4-week screening and then if you are eligible you will spend 23 consecutive days and nights living at the Hospital.
If you complete the entire study you will receive up to $5,445
For more information, call 617-525-8434 or send an email to us at:
$10 survey for men (must qualify)
LiveWire is looking for MALES, age 18 and older, to participate in a paid survey (probably $10, but will be confirmed later).
In order to determine if you qualify for our paid survey, you need to answer our pre-screening questions. You will find the pre-screening survey at:
If you are eligible for the paid survey, we will contact you within a few days.
Paid Telephone Research Study
Schlesinger Associates Atlanta is currently looking for the following to take part in a telephone interview:
Females who have either been diagnosed with Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Lupus, HIV, had Bariatric Surgery or foot surgery. Taking place over a variety of days.
Please visit the following link and complete the questions. If we determine you qualify we will be in contact with you. Please no phone calls thanks!
20/20 Childrens Books 25$ GC
Put up your feet, sit back and relax. 20/20 Research is bringing the focus group to you!
We are currently conducting a research study regarding Children's Books (#90751) and would like to invite men across the country to participate using an online bulletin board. A bulletin board is a new, cutting-edge way to conduct market research. It allows you to participate from your home, office, the local coffee shop or any place that has a high speed internet connection.
The online discussion takes place on Tuesday, September 29th, and will require logging on one time for one hour or less at your convenience and answer the questions posted by the moderator.
For your time and participation you will be given a $25 online gift card. As always, any information that you provide will remain strictly confidential. To see if you qualify, please click
Nationwide Telephone Research Study $30
Thanks for taking the time to participate in our survey. It should take no more than a few minutes to complete. All of your responses will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for research purposes. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful input.
Please answer a few preliminary questions to see if you match our research criteria.
Women Telephone Interview on Shopping $75
Fieldwork/Quantwork is conducting in-depth telephone interviews on the topic of:
Major Purchases
We are looking for Women 18-54
If you qualify and participate you will receive
$75 for your participation.
No sales involved, ever!
To start, we will need you to complete a short questionnaire online. The link is:
Focus Forward Online Focus Group $75
We are currently recruiting respondents to participate in a paid online focus group scheduled to take place during the MORNING or AFTERNOON hours between Tuesday, September 29th and Thursday, October 1st. Compensation for the 2-hour online focus group is $75. Please click on the link below and answer a few screening questions to determine if you qualify for this study.
Help Estroven and Earn $100
Estroven is continuously searching for the most effective, all-natural ingredients to help manage menopausal symptoms. Part of this effort is done through product testing with people like you.
We invite you to participate in an in-home test of a new product that reduces menopausal symptoms.
To make this test as realistic as possible, we will ask you to stop using whatever product you currently use for menopausal symptoms and use our new product for 90 days. Other than taking the product on a daily basis, all that we require is that you send a report on a weekly basis to track your results.
If you would like to be considered and are willing to take the product everyday and fill out a weekly summary of your results, please go to the link below to sign up. If you diligently fill-out the weekly record of your results, you will earn a $100 check from Estroven. Additionally, for each week that you fill-out the weekly record, you will be entered into a drawing for an additional $500!
If you have any questions, please e-mail our Consumer Resources representatives or call 1-877-Estroven.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Please Keep Us In Your Prayers...
Hey all, I may not be around for a few days, as I lost my dear Grandfather today. It has been a really rough day, and I'm going to need to "recoup" a bit. This is a big loss for my family, so please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers. I'm just trying to remember that Grandma and Grandpa have, at last, been reunited... thanks for your support and understanding.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Good places to find in person focus groups
Besides old faithful (Craigslist), there are a few other places to keep up to date with focus groups in your area. If you don't know how to find them on Craigslist, go to your city (or a big one near you), and in the employment section, you'll want to check out the "misc." and "etc." jobs. A lot of big market research companies will list upcoming groups there, especially when they're really needing people badly.
Here are a few other handy sites to check
Blue Book Focus Group Facilities Finder
Focus Facilities Listed by City/State
The Green Book Guide Of Marketing Research Services
Marketing Research Companies Listed By City/State
Quirks Marketing Research Review
When you find a focus group facility in your area, either check out their website, or call and ask to be included in their database for upcoming studies, that way, when they have a paying study available, they'll call you!
Happy Earning!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Healthy To Go Posssible Weight Loss Product Test..
Review the latest product in the Healthy To Go® family,
new all-natural Trim Energy® weight loss support formula
and get a FREE 12-week supply!
30 people will be chosen so please only apply if your serious about weight loss
To Go Brand’s is proud to introduce, the latest in the Healthy To Go® family, Trim Energy®! Trim Energy® is a refreshing weight loss support formula with a “Triple Action Edge” to help you lose weight…naturally! As a Healthy To Go® VIP, we would love for you to be the first to “try it on for size” and give us your comments and feedback about the product, all the while kick-starting your own weight loss program! The ingredients in this unique formula have been thoroughly tested by third party evaluators following FDA safety testing guidelines and it is now time to field test its performance with our customers.
As a reviewer of our all-natural Trim Energy®, you will receive a 12-week supply of Trim Energy®, a BPA-free water bottle, and a Healthy To Go® journal for jotting down key information about your weight loss progress. In addition you will be provided tips on losing weight and we’ll of course be checking in with you for motivational support! If selected for the test, you will be asked to provide a weekly report on your progress and agree to take the product in accordance with usage instructions for the full 12- week period. You also agree to provide us feedback on the product and the results that you achieve.
If you are interested in reviewing this product for us, we need some information from you!
Bunch of Product Test Panels
Sign up here for Kraft First Taste
Sign up here to become an All You Reality Checker from All You magazine.
Sign up here to be a “mom tester” for Parents magazine.
Sign up here to join BzzAgent
Sign up here for MomSelect
Sign up here for Mom Central
Sign up here for VocalPoint (they send you a lot of samples and products to try.) Surprises show up at my door from them all the time!
Sign up here to join the Generation Mom network at Kids II (baby & toddler products like Baby Einstein)
Sign up here for General Mills product testing (Psst!)
Sign up here for product testing from SheSpeaks
Sign up here to join Tryology – you must be willing to do video reviews of the products they send you.
Sign up here to join the Mega Brands Parents Panel
Sign up here to become a Cool Cookie Adviser for Cookie magazine.
Sign up here for the Coffee Mate Brew Crew.
Sign up here to possibly get some “cool stuff” from Skintimate.
Sign up here for Johnson & Johnson’s friends and Neighbors product testing.
Sign up here for the Mills Advisory Panel.
Sign up here for the Covergirl Consumer Advisory Board
Sign up here to be a New Balance Shoe tester (long complicated form)
Sign up here for the Pringles National Advisory Panel
Sign up here to become part of the Nesquik Shakers
Sign up here to join the Kashi product testing panel
Sign up here for Glamspotters product testing (hair care products)
Sign up here to join the Brilo Consumer Advisory Panel.
Sign up here for the Medela Mom Mavens (possible product testing for breastfeeding moms)
Sign up here for the Family Fun magazine’s Readers Panel. (this one appears to be more surveys for incentives than products to test but I figured I would include it just in case)
Sign up here to join Kiwi magazine’s Parenting Advisory Board.
Leapforce Search Engine Evaluator
Begin agent qualification
This position is restricted to residents of the United States only
Leapforce is looking for highly educated individuals for an exciting work from home opportunity. Applicants must be self motivated and internet savvy. This is an opportunity to evaluate and improve search engine results for one of the world's largest internet search engine companies.
Search Engine Evaluators will need to combine a passion for analysis, understanding of various online research tools. Applicants must be detail orientated and have a broad range of interests.
Ideal Search Engine Evaluators will possess the following skills
- Have in-depth, up-to-date familiarity with American social culture, media, and web culture
- Excellent comprehension and written communication skills in English
- Broad range of interests, with specific areas of expertise a plus
- University degree or equivalent experience (degrees in-progress are acceptable). Advanced degrees a plus
- Excellent web research skills and analytical abilities.
- Ability to work independently under minimal supervision
- Possess a high speed internet connection (DSL, Cable Modem, etc.)
Search Engine Evaluators provide feedback on search engine results by measuring the relevance and usefulness of web pages in correlation to predefined queries, by providing comparative analysis of sets of search engine results and various other techniques.
All candidates are required to take and pass a two-part qualification exam before becoming a Search Engine Evaluator. Part 1 of the exam contains 24 theory based questions. Part 2 of the exam contains 150 simulated evaluation tasks. Supplied study materials can be used during both parts of the exam.
Weegy is similar to chacha but you don't have to give a test to join. Its not as busy as You are paid $0.20 per conversation. You have to find the answers using all the resources available. You do not have to accept a question if you do no know the answer and you can pass on the conversation to another expert at any point. There are more questions available in the morning than evening. You can use my referral link here. It wont cost you anything but I will get some points :-)
20/20 Nationwide Paid Online Research Study - Females - Haircare $75
We are looking for women ages 21 and over to participate in a paid online market research study about hair care October 7 and 8. This study will cover the hair products you use at home and also any used on you at salons. You will be required to log on to a bulletin board at least three times during the study to reply to questions by the moderator, interact with other participants, and post comments. If you are interested in participating in this study, fill out our registration form and answer a few questions. We will contact you for more information if you qualify for this study. Participants will receive $75 for simply sharing their opinions! No selling of any kind is allowed and your opinions remain confidential.
Healthcare study 60min. phone study
Schlesinger Associates, a national Marketing Research Firm, is currently organizing a study among men and women 50-85 years regarding Health Care Products.
Participation in this research will include 60 minute telephone interview. All those who qualify and participate will be mailed a check as a thank you for their time and opinions.
If interested please reply to this email w/ the following information:
1) which if any of the following have you experienced?
A. Trouble remembering
B. Problems with language
C. Confusion about current events, time and place
D. Becoming easily confused or disoriented
Please reply to this email if any of the above apply to you?.
Primary & Secondary Phone Numbers:
Symptoms experience:
Free $25 REI Gift Card -for ATT Blackberry Owners (sign up for text alerts)
Give REI-Now Alerts a try, give us some feedback and we'll give you $25 off a future purchase.
What's REI-Now Alerts? Simply put, it's your ticket to adventure when you're on the go. REI-Now Alerts is a free, 60-day trial service that uses GPS capabilities of your AT&T Blackberry to occasionally text you about special offers, savings and more when you're near any REI location or places that may be of interest in the outdoors. It's the easiest way to stay in touch with your favorite outdoor adventure company.
So how does this new technology work? The service just needs to download a small utility app to your device - and that's it. You'll receive a maximum of three text messages a week and can easily opt-out of the program at any time. During the course of the trial, you may be contacted by a research firm to complete a survey. Completion of the survey will make you eligible to receive the $25 coupon.
To sign up, simply complete the fields below, agree to the terms and conditions and we'll text you the download link.
focus forward surve online bulletin $250
We are currently recruiting respondents to participate in a paid online bulletin board scheduled to begin on Wednesday, September 23rd and end on Tuesday, September 29th. Participation would require you to log in for 5 business days and answer questions that will take approximately 45 to 60 minutes each day to complete. Compensation for the 5 day online bulletin board is $250. Please click on the link below and answer a few screening questions to determine if you qualify for this study.
Schlesinger Paid study list
#472 AND 450: Females 18-54 for a study about razors. This study will start on Tues, 9/22.
#427: Males & females 18-64 for an interview about health & lifestyles. This study will take place on Wed, 9/23 & Thurs, 9/24
#460: Males & females 55-60 for a focus group about financials. This study will take place on Tues, 9/29.
#355: Males & females 18-75 for an interview about kidney transplants. This study will take place on Mon, 10/12 ? Tues. 10/ 13.
#460: Investment advisors for a study regarding new variable annuity product features. This study will take place on Tues, 9/29.
#467: Males & females for a study about websites. This study will take place on Thurs, 10/1 ? Fri, 10/2.
#473: Males and Females who have eaten out at least once in the last month. Taking place on Fri. 10/2-Sat. 10/3
InfoPirate: Get Paid to Bookmark Your Website(s)
InfoPirate is a website that allows you to make money for adding "bookmarks" to the site.
This sounds like a pretty cool program for numerous reasons:
Pay is made through Google Adsense, so you will need a Google Adsense account. The way this works is each time the bookmark you submit is viewed an advertisement is placed on it. If the person viewing it clicks the ad, you get 80% of the revenue generated from the click and InfoPirate keeps the rest. 80% of a click isn't a ton of cash; it's likely a penny or two, but if you get only a few clicks a day, you have potential to make $10 or more a month.
Second, you can use it to get backlinks / inbound links to your website(s). When you post a bookmark you not only get one free link for posting the url to your site but you also get a little text box to write a small blurb about the site. The text box accepts html, so you can easily score another 2 links. I suggest making them anchored text keyword links as opposed to just links to your homepage anchored to the name of your site.
Third, it's 100% FREE marketing. So what if you never make a penny from a click; you're still getting free publicity. So why not register for free and list all your sites? It only takes about 2 minutes to list a site. Very basic stuff - name of site, url, blurb then select the catergory for a list of 5 different categories. Nothin' fancy.
Fourth, there's a referral program. If you decide to refer others to InfoPirate you get a percentage of the money they make as a bonus. Referral pay is only 10%. So if one click on your buddy's page earns him $0.10 cents, you earn a penny. Once again, hey, it's free money.
So check out InfoPirate and add your sites today. It's a win-win situation. And there's no maximum to how many sites you can submit. There also doesn't appear to be an "approval process", so your sites are instantly published as soon as you submit them.
Sign up for InfoPirate here!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Panel Intelligence
Join Our Panel Of Experts!
About Panel Intelligence's Prestigious Network
Panel Intelligence maintains a database of key opinion-leaders interested in receiving information about or participating in our research methodology. Your registration will confirm your interest in being contacted by Panel Intelligence for potential online focus groups or surveys.
How It Works
When you register, your credentials are added to the Panel Intelligence database. At the beginning of each project, panel members with appropriate expertise are chosen from the database and invited to participate. These experts have the option of accepting or declining participation in any project. Those who commit to a project will be required to log into the discussion and post contributions during each session.
All members receive compensation based on participation in individual project-based panel discussions. Your invitation to participate will outline the compensation, which will vary depending on the project scope and duration. When a project ends, participants receive cash compensation within 30 days.
Register now. Choose the category matching your expertise
Harvard Decision Science Laboratory
This site pays through paypal. It's similar to a lot of the other University panels.
Harvard Decision Science Laboratory. All USA citizens and most foreign residents are eligible Payments range from $15 to $40, with an average of $20.
Join the Franklin Foods Consumer Panel
Franklin Foods is on a mission to Re-Invent Cream Cheese™ for today’s consumer.
Our goal is to provide you with delicious dips and spreads that will elevate your daily snacking, simplify your elegant entertaining and liven up your tired cream cheese routine with wholesome alternatives.
Your insights and opinions will provide us with important feedback as we slowly build distribution in new markets and continue to develop award-winning products that are possibly the best dips and spreads in the world.
As a consumer panel member you may periodically receive emails to participate in a brief on-line survey, provide feedback on new packaging concepts, or take part in in-home product testing.
To show our appreciation you could receive new flavorful recipe ideas, first peek at new products, early market launch details to share with your family and friends, and VIP coupons for products distributed in your area.
Your participation is completely voluntary and you can opt out at anytime.
We guarantee that your personal information will be held in confidence and your name will not be sold to a third party.
Focus Forward $250
NATIONWIDE- $250 Online Bulletin Board – September 23rd through September 29th
Thank you for your interest in this upcoming paid marketing research study! After you fill out the survey, we will give you a call if you initially qualify. Your information is kept strictly confidential and will not be used for anything other than to recruit you for THIS study. We will not be able to call people who do not initially qualify for this study or if the study is now filled. If you are not currently registered with Focus Forward and would like to receive invitations like this for future projects, please also sign up at: Link
Link to this survey
NATIONWIDE- $75 Online Focus Group
NATIONWIDE- $75 Online Focus Group – 2 hours on either September 29th, September 30th or October 1st
Think it's about appliances...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Join Kashi Community and be part of their Taster Panel!
Join the Kashi Community - stay updated with surprising offers and special events, plus take part in our Taste Tester panel.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Nationwide 20/20 Cell Phone Market Research Study $100
We are looking for people to participate in a PAID online market research study about cell phones September 23 and 24. This online study will require you to log on to an online bulletin board at least once a day, reply to questions, and post comments. If you are interested in participating in this study, fill out our registration form and answer a couple of questions. We will contact you for more information if you qualify for this study. Participants could receive $100 for simply sharing their opinions! No selling of any kind is allowed and your opinions remain confidential. If you or someone you know would be interested in participating in a market research study about cell phones, we invite you to sign up today. (Project #X33909)
Consumer Behavior Lab - New Experiment: News & Word Games - Win $75
You actually can win with these studies... I've won a couple times.
Win a $75 Gift Card!
New Experiment at News & Word Games.
This study involves news events and word games.
The experiment will take about 10-15 minutes to complete.
In order to participate in any experiments at you must be a registered user. Registration is completely free and only takes a second. Once you register you can participate in as many experiments as you like.
To participate, please go to LINK, then log in and go to the experiments section.
We are always looking for new members at so if you have any friends of family members who you think might like to participate, simply reply to this e-mail with their e-mail address and we will get in touch with them.
Thank you for your participation!
Jeff Galak
Become an adidas Insider
Doesn't say you get anything for participating, but i'm sure they'll send ya something!
Become an adidas Insider!
Thanks for your interest in joining the adidas Insiders Community.
In this collaborative, multi-media online community, you'll have the chance to:
* Share your ideas and thoughts with key people at adidas and see it play a direct role in new adidas products and marketing.
* Get a sneak peek into what adidas is going to do next
* Get to know other like-minded members and network with them
* Have an impact on the future of adidas
Agilent Service Survey: Earn a $20 Gift card to
Looks like you'll hafta be quite tech-savvy to get thru this one, but here's the link if anyone wants to give it a shot! :)
Focus Forward $75
We are currently recruiting respondents to participate in a paid online bulletin board scheduled to take place from Thursday, September 17th through Tuesday, September 22nd. Compensation for the 5-day online bulletin board is $75. Please click on the link below and answer a few screening questions to determine if you qualify for this study.
If you appear to qualify based on your answers, a Focus Forward representative will contact you with additional questions.
Tons of Surveys, Points Add Up Quick!
Well, if I must recommend one company that sends TONS of surveys, for maximum earning opportunities, that would definitely be SayNation. I, often, have several surveys each day from them!
Another cool thing about SayNation is that your kiddos can join, and earn themselves some rewards too, as they have both a teen panel and an adult panel!
Check it out, they'll keep ya busy!
Reliable, Thank God!
I've been complaining all month about not getting survey checks that I'm owed... it's been a really excruciating time! I just moved, so I am completely broke, and checking an empty mailbox every day really can get depressing!
I must say, though, one company really has come through and impressed me lately... that's Opinion Outpost. Sure, I've had my days when I didn't care too much for them, namely when a survey would have a glitch... but this site has become my "Old Faithful"! I can log in, pretty much every day, and have new surveys to complete. Payout is only $5, so I can earn that, just sitting there for a little bit, and immediately request a check. These checks have been coming in less than a week! That's outstanding, for a survey company!!! Granted, most of the ones lately have been smaller than I usually request, just 'cause I've been so broke, so I've been cashing out at $6, $8, $10, etc., but at least it is a relief to see that smaller check from Opinion Outpost than that depressing, empty mailbox! lol
Thank you Opinion Outpost... you've really helped this poor WAHM this month! :)
Dollar Surveys
Ok, so I've been up all night again (stupid insomnia), so I figured I'd do a few surveys to keep me awake this morning. I don't know why I went to . Well, I do...
Pretty much every survey you do for them is a dollar. With some of them, that's not bad, but with others, like this morning, they're dragging on and on, and I'm thinking, "I'm doing this for a dollar?!" They do, however, often have really short ones, sometimes they pay a bit less, but it's something like entering your email address for fifty cents. I love those (as long as you don't use your main email account for this company), and they add up quickly.
The reason I KEEP doing surveys for is that I love that immediate gratification... well, not immediate, but pretty darn close! They pay every week, and they pay by Paypal. With the month I've been having (just moved, have all those expenses), expecting all these checks in the mail, going out to the box every day, just to find it empty, these Paypal payments have been a sunny spot! lol
Anyway, it's a judgement call you'll hafta make... sometimes you do surveys that are too long to only be paid a dollar, but you do get that dollar quickly! Pretty much sums it up!
What do y'all think?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Designers (Print/Graphic Designers) - Paid Phone Study $75

Work professional as a print/graphics designer? Adobe Systems would like to hear from you!
We are doing paid phone studies w/ designers next week. The phone calls will last roughly 60 minutes and for your time, we'll gladly thank you with either a $75 Gift Card or a $75 AMEX Gift Check.
If you are interested in participating, please fill out our survey: Link
We will begin making follow-up phone calls early next week!
Please keep in mind that we have a limited number of openings and cannot respond to each inquiry, but if you are interested, please spend a few minutes answering the questions below. This information will be kept strictly confidential and will not be shared with others outside of Adobe Research.
Plaza Research - Coffee Study -$250

Plaza Research Chicago has a nationwide research study coming up that you may be interested in attending (or if you know anyone that may be interested). Please use the link below to fill out a brief survey to see if you qualify.
Coffee Workbook
Plaza Research is currently looking for Females 30-50 yrs who buy coffee to participate in an upcoming study.
For this study we will send you a Shopping journal which would use a series of questions and exercises to understand your perceptions, attitudes and actions related to your shopping preferences and behaviors. This would include basic question and answers, collage creation and taking some photos of related items in and around your home. There will be about 8-10 pages to complete.
There will also be a shopping assignment that will require you to visit 2 retail locations and share your thoughts and reactions. You would need to have a digital camera that will allow you to take a few shots and email them to us.
The Workbook will need to be completed between September 18th l 30th. Once you've completed the exercise and return the journal you will be sent a check for $250 for your time.
If you are interested in participating in this study please answer the following questions.
Chasen Research $100

is conducting a market research study on the topic of:
If you qualify and participate, you will receive
for your time and opinions.
No sales involved, ever!
We are looking for Men and Women 21-64 years old
to participate in an
Online Community for 7 days
September 24th - 30th
To start, please answer click the link below.
$20 Gas Card for Filling Out This Survey!

AIX Data Protection and Recovery Survey
You will receive a $20 gift card that you can use at any Chevron gas station in the United States!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
reBlog from Connie on Monday, September 7th, 2009: 30 Things About My Invisible Illness | My Chronic Life
I found this fascinating quote today:
1. The illness I live with is: Myasthenia Gravis, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ulcerative Colitis. 2. I was diagnosed with it in the year: with UC in 1985, with MG in 2000, the rest 2001 or the year later. 3. But I had symptoms since: 19844 for the UC 4. The biggest adjustment I’ve had to make is: not being able to work and giving up my active lifestlye 5. Most people assume: I’m not sick 6. The hardest part about mornings are: waking up because I’m so tired 7. My favorite medical TV show is: House 8. A gadget I couldn’t live without is: my laptop 9. The hardest part about nights are: pain and insomnia 10. Each day I take __ pills & vitamins. (No comments, please) 36 11. Regarding alternative treatments I: am not able to try them because of the medications I am on for Myasthenia Gravis. There are many interactions for a certain prescription I take. 12. If I had to choose between an invisible illness or visible I would choose: visible so more people would understand 13. Regarding working and career: I’m sad that I can’t continue working in the career I chose for myself. I’m happy that I can work as a blogger though. 14. People would be surprised to know: that I’m in pain almost all the time. 15. The hardest thing to accept about my new reality has been: that I have to rely on other people for simple things. 16. Something I never thought I could do with my illness that I did was: attend a conference. 17. The commercials about my illness: re: Fibromyalgia and RA - make it seem like a pill or shot cures the disease. 18. Something I really miss doing since I was diagnosed is: dancing, drinking a few beers, running, walking as much as I want to 19. It was really hard to have to give up: working 20. A new hobby I have taken up since my diagnosis is: blogging and photography 21. If I could have one day of feeling normal again I would: spend it with my family, listening to loud music, dancing, cooking and eating all day long 22. My illness has taught me: to appreciate every moment 23. Want to know a secret? One thing people say that gets under my skin is: you look great! 24. But I love it when people: recognize that most of the things I do take me a lot of effort 25. My favorite motto, scripture, quote that gets me through tough times is: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philipians 4:13 26. When someone is diagnosed I’d like to tell them: find a doctor who is supportive and knowledgeable and a support system 27. Something that has surprised me about living with an illness is: how understanding my husband and family are 28. The nicest thing someone did for me when I wasn’t feeling well was: take my daughter, who was much younger for play dates so she didn’t have to sit home while I slept 29. I’m involved with Invisible Illness Week because: it’s so important for people to understand about us, what our lives are like, what we go through each day and how they can support us 30. The fact that you read this list makes me feel: fantastic!Connie on Monday, September 7th, 2009, 30 Things About My Invisible Illness | My Chronic Life, Sep 2009
You should read the whole article.
Round Table from Walmart
If you purchase and use Great Value brand products from Walmart, you can sign up for the Walmart Round Table. But hurry, because they are only taking 200 applicants right now - but will increase the number to 20,000 later on. Here is more info about the program that I received from Walmart:
We have an exciting new opportunity from Walmart’s Great Value team. They just launched a new site called The Round Table, which is a survey-based community for Walmart shoppers who buy the Great Value brand. Sign up for The Round Table.
The Round Table offers users the opportunity to complete surveys regarding Great Value products. Each completed survey enters the user into a monthly drawing for ten $500 Walmart gift cards. This is Great Value’s investment in listening, and represents their desire to truly understand how consumers view their products and their brand. They’re looking for your feedback on Great Value products – good or bad!
The Great Value team is focused on growing the community to 200 members in the next two weeks. At the end of that period, the first drawing will be held – which makes each member’s chance of winning in the initial drawing 1/20. Walmart hopes to grow the community to 20,000 customers by the end of the year.
So if you buy Walmart Great Value products, sign up for this one ASAP! You just might win a FREE $500 Walmart gift card!
Pop Tarts Sprinklings Club and receive free samples
Found this, thanks to Freebies4Mom!
join Pop Tarts Sprinklings Club and receive free samples
Apparently, after ya join, they send ya free coupons and samples... yummy!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Help Is Available

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day... I just found out by happening to click a link that took me to Wanda's Wings.
As a lifetime sufferer of major depression, I really wanted to share, to bring awareness to this important subject, and let you know you are not alone. Help IS available. If you don't find it one place, try another.
Here are some links and phone numbers that can direct you to finding the help you may need, whether it's a doctor, or just someone to talk to. There are people out there who do care.
If you are in a suicide crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK
Suicide and Suicide Prevention
Authoritative, in depth, information about all aspects of suicide and suicide prevention.Contest Coming HERE Next Week... Keep Your Eyes Peeled!
I've been having so much fun entering contests held by some of my fellow bloggers, that I decided to host one here. Got a lot going on the next few days, so keep your eyes out for sometime next week. I appreciate all of y'all who stop by, and, of course, my loyal readers and subscribers, so we'll try to do something fun! More info coming next week!
I'm also going to be adding a couple new pages to the blog... product reviews, and contests! I've been very lucky in contests this past week, and wanna share the wealth, so I'll give you some of the tips I've found, as well as list some of the awesome contests being held, which you have a great chance at winning!
Hugs, and happy earning!
Sign-up for Arby's Extras club
By signing up for Arby's Extra's Club, you get the chance to participate in surveys and more, PLUS, they will email you a great printable coupon for something free with purchase. You, also, get a birthday freebie. I love Arby's, and it's right up the road, so this is one I definitely want to participate in!
Also, on Wednesday's, participating Arby's locations are offering free roast beef sandwiches with purchase of a drink!
Sign up for Extra Club
Apply for Disney Moms, Get a Free Trip
Have you been to Walt Disney World within the last 12 months? If so, mark your calendar to apply on September 10 for the Walt Disney World Moms Panel because those accepted will get a free trip back to Walt Disney World December 4 through 8. You also need to be willing to be an active participant in the panel and want to offer advice to others planning a trip. Thanks goes to Pink Coupon Cafe for sharing this great offer.
And don't forget that you get FREE admission on your birthday to Walt Disney or Walt Disney World. One of my readers told me that her and her husband planned a trip around there birthdays - which just happen to be on the same day!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Cashed Out Via Paypal With Mindfield!
I've been a member of Mindfield for years, always enjoyed it, as they send tons of surveys, and pay accurately and responsibly. The good news is, they're now paying through Paypal, or you can still have your standard check! I love the idea of Paypal, 'cause it means not having to wait on the postal system, and having a better idea of when you'll actually receive your payment. Mindfield is also giving away 2 iPhone 3g's and 1 Apple TV, and the only thing you have to do to enter is update your profiles, which is a good thing for you anyway, as it means more surveys for you!
Win Natural Art Supplies!
The Hip Mama Mountain blog is having a September giveaway!
Get your entries in HERE
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Paid Telephone Research study - $300
Dear Respondent,
Schlesinger Associates has an upcoming 60-minute telephone/web interview on Immunizations for males and females age 25-60. These interviews are taking place Monday, September 14th and going through Friday, October 2nd. Upon qualification and completion of the telephone interview, we are pleased to offer you an honorarium of $300 for your time and insight.
Please click the link below and fill out the questions provided. If you qualify based on the answers you give, we will contact you to schedule an interview.
To answer the questions, please click this LINK
Win a personalized Tiny Tag pendant from Sentimental Silver!
PBandPickles is at it again, with another awesome giveaway! This time, you can win a personalized pendant from Sentimental Silver, worth $55! Easy to enter, and a nice prize to win! Check out the contest HERE.
85+ Tools & Resources for Freelancers and Web Workers
This page lists tons of resources for freelancers, including invoicing tools, charts and graphs to keep track of time spent on products, and so much more... including lots of links for places to find freelance jobs, whether you're a computer programmer, writer, or any other misc. freelancer! Worth a look! Check it out!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Get Paid to Write
If you're blogging, you probably like to write... or, if you're looking to do surveys, you do have opinions, right? Well, on Gather, you can get paid to write about those opinions, or whatever you want. Share freebies and sweeps, write short stories, talk about your kids or what kind of day you're having! And I'll get paid for this??? Yes! I've been a member of Gather for a few years now, and have always been paid! You earn points for sharing articles, replying to others, making friends, etc. It's easy, and the best part is, it's fun! Give it a try!
Medical Transcriptionists Needed... Legit Company
Focus Infomatics, Inc. is an Internet based provider of Medical Transcription Services with corporate headquarters located in
At Focus, we want our employees to succeed, and strive to create a culture in which our workforce can learn and grow. We recognize that our most valuable asset is our human resources - our people, and because of that, we continuously strive to attract, motivate, develop and retain quality people.
We are looking for contributors to our success. We expect a working independence from our employees that delivers top-notch quality, and in return, financial & professional rewards will come their way. We offer career opportunities to individuals with a variety of skills, but we long to find those workers who are willing to give what ever is needed to get the job done.
Along with the opportunity to be a member of our team and a key player in a forward thinking industry leader, Focus offers a competitive compensation and benefits package to employees.
The following is a general list of our benefits:
Medical Coverage
Dental Coverage
Long Term Disability
If you have Medical Transcription experience and want to begin an exciting career at Focus, please send us your resume or contact information by clicking here!
If you would like to learn how to become a medical transcriptionist please click here!
Wanna Win a Jumeau Bag GC? Super Nice!
Found another super giveaway I couldn't resist sharing! Check out PBandPickles for an easy chance to win a super-cool Jumeau Bag, or any of their other cool products, with a free gift certificate to their site! You can see their products at their website... these are nice! PBandPickles offers lots of great giveaways, freebies and more! Enter quickly, as this ends soon!
Wi-Fire USB Adaptor Giveaway! is having a great Wi-Fire USB WiFi Adapter giveaway! Stop by before midnight Sept 19th EST to enter to win!
TuneUp Utilities 2009 Giveaway!
" is having a great TuneUp Utilities 2009 giveaway! Stop by before midnight Sept 20th EST to enter to win! "
Sunday, September 6, 2009
WB Word of Mouth Campaign pays $50 per assignment
Warner Bros. is looking for people who are active bloggers and users of Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter to Join WB Word of Mouth! You'll have the opportunity to express your opinion about entertainment. For more information and to apply, visit Link!
They pay $50 for each assignment and you have to submit a W-9 form by fax or mail before you can start an assignment.
Paypal surveys
I was very leery of Palm Research when I first read about it. The main reason is: it takes them a long time to pay... BUT... once you get paid that first time, you can get paid every month. You have to earn ten dollars in a month, which really is easy, but it's a month later when you get paid. They pay through Paypal, which is a bonus, in my book... and, I DID get paid.... yea! They usually send ya two surveys a day, worth $1 each, but they usually have a few more surveys on their site that you can do. A few pay a little more, rarely, they have a couple that pay less, but you can do as many as you can in that one day. So, again, it is very easy to earn well over ten bucks in a month. If you can wait that first time to get paid, it's definitely worth it. It's one I'll stick with now!
Sign up here
20/20 Pet Food Survey, $200
Thank you for taking our online survey. So that we may contact you should you qualify for the study, please complete the following information.
***Please note: This online survey is to see IF you qualify for the paid portion of this study. IF you qualify, you will be called within 5 business days by a 20/20 Research recruiter to verify your responses.
New Car? Used Car? No Car?
I don't usually do surveys that give you a "chance" to get paid, I like those guaranteed amounts... BUT... I will say, I have won quite a few drawing surveys, that I did when I was bored, and they're usually good amounts!
Anyway... this is just one I found, it's really short, so maybe worth a try!
Participants who complete the survey will be eligible for one of 10 $25 prizes randomly chosen among those who participate in the survey.
Destination Analysts $80 Travel Website study online September
Website Usability Study: Paid Interview Sign-Up Questionnaire
Thanks very much for your interest in this project. We are looking for persons to participate in a PAID online video interview regarding their travel planning opinions, behaviors and interests. If your profile fits the project's needs, we will send you a high-quality Logitech or Microsoft web camera and a headset (both yours to keep), as well as compensate you $80 for the one-hour interview.
Please answer the following questions FULLY and ACCURATELY, as we are seeking a range of traveler types to participate. If you qualify, a staff member from Destination Analysts Research will contact you shortly.
National recession study, in home and/or online
Sounds really interesting. They have many locations, and you don't even HAVE to live near one of them to participate. Crossing my fingers!
How are you surviving the recession? The goal of this nationwide research project is to talk to real people, with real stories to find out what is going on in America and how the economic situation has affected their lives. We want to hear about how you, your friends, and your family have dealt with recent challenges and what kinds of real solutions you have found to manage the situation. * Participants will be paid. * We are looking for people from all over the country. * For this study we may ask you to allow interviewers to visit you in your home and/or for you to complete a diary of your thoughts on issues presented. * Whether through in-home interviews or a diary, the study will require a total of less than two hours of your time.
Apply here
Become a "Mom Tester" for Parenting Magazine
Parenting Magazine is Looking for Mom Testers
When products come up for review, if you're a match, Parenting Magazine may contact you with an option to receive FREE items to test and possibly keep. All they ask is that you'll give them your honest opinion, good or bad. You may also be contacted for mom-related stories to be used in the magazine. Sign up here and click on 'Click here to sign up today.'
Items they'll need you to test could include:
Toys and games Books, DVDs, CDs, or Video Games
Health products for babies, toddlers, or kids
Bath products for baby, toddlers, or kids
Health and beauty products for Mom
Gear: strollers, carriers, furniture, items for feeding and diapering
Borrowed from SurveyMonsterz
Hurry, Contest Ends in the Morning!
The folks at SurveyMonsterz are having a contest, and it ends in the morning! Get in and enter, before it's too late!
Thanks to my friends at MyBlogSpark, I'm giving away a "Summer Cool Down" gift bag, as seen above, to one of my lucky readers. The "Summer Cool Down" gift bag includes two free coupons for Yoplait Whips, a cooler tote, Popsicle molds and a set of 12 color-changing spoons. The winner will be chosen when I come back from camping on Monday, September 7th. I will draw the name of the winner by using the random number generator at from the eligible entries received. If a winner does not contact me within 48 hours by e-mail, I will draw a new winner. This giveaway is only open to residents of the United States who are 18 years of age or older. The winners will receive their gift bag by mail directly from MyBlogSpark.
Just Cashed Out $30 For Sharing Email Forwards!
I had pretty much forgotten about this program, until I got a friend request today... good thing I got that, went and had over $30 in my account... all from sharing email forwards I get from friends!!! With ForwardOn, you simply forward your emails... funny, interesting, whatever, and you get points for people viewing them... and, obviously, the points keep coming! lol You also get points for friending others, and for getting them to view your content and leave comments, which they'll gladly do, in return for you doing so on theirs... some of the easiest $$ I've made lately! lol Try it out!!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Win an awesome Frecklebox personalized product!
Another great Mommy blogger is holding another awesome contest! This one is to win a free, personalized, product from Frecklebox, who has some of the cutest and coolest gear imaginable!!!!
Check out the contest here, and while you're there, check out the rest of her blog, lots of great info, and other cool contests, as well!
Fun New Giveaway, Especially for Mommies!
Mission Mommy blog is hosting a fun giveaway for those with young kiddos, or anyone who could use these cool Boogie Wipes! Boogie Wipes is giving away 2 packs of their wipes to one lucky reader. These are a great tool to have in tackling the dreaded snot monster! Enter here
These cool wipes come in different scents... Great Grape, Fresh Scent or Magic Menthol (for extra stuffy noses) Boogie Wipes are recommended by Pediatricians as a gentle, effective alternative to a dry tissue. I'm looking forward to trying the Magic Menthol, for my kiddo with the terrible allergies... and, hey, even for myself!
This is a small business, run by fellow mom's, so let's show them support, and maybe even win while we're at it!