Friday, January 30, 2009
Active 18-22 year olds for Online/Phone Study $20 GC in NY
Here are the basic steps:
- Fill out a short survey (20 minutes).
- If selected, participate in a phone conference call (35 minutes).
- Provide your mailing address and choose a major retailer for your $20 gift card (5 minutes).
Looking for people who meet 4 criteria:
1) 18-22 years old.
2) Active online social life.
3) Live in New York City.
4) Interested in dating/romance/sexuality (either online or offline).
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Platinum Lounge
* New Profile -- 50 points.
* Comments -- 10-50 points.
* New Thread -- 50 points.
* Post a Image -- 5 points.
* Post a Poll -- 10 points.
* Comments & Posts On Weekends -- 30-1,000 points.
* Specials -- 40 to 25,000 points.
* REGISTERING A FRIEND -- 503 points!!
Please list baybay23 as your referrer... I'll get extra points, and so will you!!!
Win Prizes by Watching TV!
Email me for an invitations!
Probemarket $175 In Home Opinion Study
Complete Name
Telephone Number
City/Zip Code You Live In
Do you live in an Urban or Suburban Area?
Ethnic background
Do you own a washing machine/dryer or do you have a washing
machine/dryer in your home?
Do you have a washer/drying combination machine, where one machine
does both the wash and the dry cycles & you do not need to move the
laundry until the clothes have been cleaned and dried?
If yes, what is the brand and model number of the washer/dryer combination machine?
Do you plan on purchasing a combination washer/dryer machine in the next
6 months or have you considered purchasing a washer dryer
combination machine in the past 6 months?
Please tell me which of the following statements best describes you (Please choose only one)
A. I am a busy, ambitious and career driven individual. When I am shopping for household products and appliances, I am looking for what makes my life easier.
B. I am always looking for the newest gadgets and appliances and enjoy sharing my new purchases with my friends and family.
C. When making decisions about purchasing products, I always consider the environmental impact of my purchase and choose the eco-friendly option.
D. When I am purchasing products, I research products and look for products that have the best value rather than the cheapest or most expensive.
E. My kids are getting older or have moved out, and I don’t have the demands on household chores as I used to have.
F. I am getting to the age where I look for products that are easy to use and convenient since I am not physically able to do things as well as I used to.
Thank you for your time! A recruiter will contact those who are eligible. Absolutely NO calls please!
$10 Starbucks GC for joining CompassBank Panel
Monday, January 26, 2009
Free Cell phone and free Min for low income families
This is really cool I found and wanted to share with everyone
Right now it looks like it is only available in certain states but others will be added maybe it will help some one out
SafeLink Wireless offers qualifying customers FREE cellular service. This service is currently available in Florida, Tennessee, and Virginia. Soon, SafeLink Wireless service will be offered in the following states:
SafeLink Wireless Service is coming soon to...
Alabama Massachusetts
Connecticut New Hampshire
Delaware New York
D. of Columbia North Carolina
Georgia Pennsylvania
Saturday, January 24, 2009
2008-2009 Honda,Toyota,Mazda Car Owners (Los Angeles) MW 25-65, $300+
Date: 2009-01-22, 1:33PM PST
Marina del Rey based marketing research firm is seeking men and women age 25-65 to participate in a paid focus group on the topic of VEHICLES. If you are interested please fill out the information below and we will contact you if you qualify. NOT ALL WILL QUALIFY!!! All will need to bring in a photo ID AND REGISTRATION with their name and vehicle mentioned below. NO EXCEPTIONS! IF YOU DO NOT FILL IN ALL INFORMATION BELOW, YOU WILL NOT BE CALLED.
Phone Number(s):
Best times to reach you:
1. What cars do you own in your household?
a. Make
b. Make
c. Make
THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST! If you qualify we will contact you!
Location: Marina del Rey
Compensation: $300+
Free Baby Wipes for Consumer Panel Study
4604 Quail Ct
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
Fax: 770-967-1976
#55101 Baby Wipe Survey
Name:_____________________________________________ _______________________________________
Phone Number________________________________ Child’s diaper or training pant size: ________________
Prior to the wipe product test we need to learn more about your preferences. If you have been reached by phone to complete this survey, please do not duplicate your efforts by filling it out again. The survey was not designed to be completed online, but in an effort to include you we have opted to email it to you. Print out the blank version, fill in your opinions and either fax or mail it to the address above. An alternative way is to fill it out online and email it back to us. That method is rather awkward for you, but even a messy form works for us.
Most important thing is that we receive your responses as quickly as possible. The baby wipe project will be filled very quickly. Thanks for taking the time to give us some insight into your wipe buying habits.
1. a) What brand of wipes do you buy most often? b) What type of wipes do you buy?
1- Huggies 1-Unscented/fragrance free
2- Pampers 2- Scented
3- Store Brand _____________ 3- For sensitive skin
4- Other __________________ 4- Other ________________
2. a) What type of container do you buy most often? b) What size of container?
1- Tub 1 40 or less wipes
2- Refill 2 60 to 90 wipes
3- Soft pack w/resealable label 3 2-4 pack in plastic bag (poly)
4- Soft pack w/hard plastic lid 4 5+ packs in boxes
5- Other _____________ 5 Other _____________
3. Approximately how many wipes do you use in an average week? This might be hard to estimate, consider your tub/package and think about how long it takes you to use the entire container. Average week, I use…
Less than 60
60 to 100
More than 100
4. If you could design a wipe, what would be the most important features, aside from a fair price?
__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Nieto Research/Baby Wipe Survey/Jan 2009 Page Two
5. This may seem redundant after your answers to #5, but please rank the features below. Most important equals 1 and least important equals 9. (write or type number next to each feature)
____1- No harsh additives
____ 2- Moistness of wipe
____ 3- Strength of wipe
____ 4- Softness of wipe
____5- Thickness of wipe
____6- Unscented/fragrance free
____7- Scented
____8- Natural additive, like aloe, green tea
____9- Portability of package
6. After using a wipe, do you apply any of the following products before putting on a diaper?
(check all that apply)
1- Baby powder
2- Baby oil
3- Ointments (i.e. diaper rash treatment)
4- Lotion
5- Other_________________________
6- No, I do not use any products
7. If you checked any products in Question #7, Why do you use that product(s)?
8. Again, if you checked any products in Question #7, how often do you apply?
1- Every diaper change
2- Daily
3- Every other day
4- Occasionally, when needed
9. Where do you buy your wipes? (Please provide store or chain name)______________________
The next questions are designed to help us better understand your purchasing behavior. To start, think about standing in the store in front of the baby aisle. Consider the packages and features listed on the products.
10. If the wipes you buy most often were out of stock, would you go to a… (check only one)
1- Different Store
2- Same Store – Buy Same Brand, but a different size or pack type
3- Same Store – Buy Same Brand, but a different style, such as Unscented
4- Same Store – Buy Different Brand, but same size or pack type as my regular one
5- Wait until your store has them in stock
Nieto Research/Baby Wipe Survey/Jan 2009 Page Three
11. If you had to substitute a wipe, what would be the most important feature you would look for? (check one)
1- Moistness of wipe
2- Strength of wipe
3- Softness of wipe
4- Thickness of wipe
5- No harsh additives – such as alcohol
6- Unscented/fragrance free
7- Scented
8- Natural additive, like aloe, green tea
9- Portability of package
12. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects your shopping opinions of wipes?
(check one)
1- It is very easy, the packages are simple and features are clearly labeled
2- It is somewhat easy
3- It is neither easy nor difficult, I don’t think about it
4- It is somewhat difficult
5- It is very difficult, the packages are confusing and there are too many options
13. And which of these statements do you agree with?
(check one)
1- I like my brand of wipes and see no reason to try others
2- I stick with the same wipe, just so I know what I am getting
3- I buy whatever is on sale
4- I don’t have a favorite brand, I try new wipes in the hopes of finding one I really like
5- None of these statements reflect my opinion
14. Would you be interested in testing baby wipes similar to what you purchase now?
(check one)
1- No
2- Yes, we will begin recruiting for a wipe use test in the next three weeks, we will call you as soon as we have the exact dates. We will not ship anything until we have spoken to you.
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your personal opinions about baby wipes
Food Business Resource
Food Business Resource is looking to expand our database. Sign up today and have a chance to share your opinions that will help shape products that could eventually appear in restuarants or even your own supermarkets.
What to expect once you join our database?
When a project is in the planning process, we will call or e-mail you to see if you qualify to participate. Every project has guidelines set by our clients. You will be asked a series of questions to see if you fit the guidelines set for the project and if so, you will be invited to participate in the study. Your answers represent a particular customer profile. Our clients ask us to obtain a representative mix of our geographic areas so that all the opinions are not all from any one demographic category. There will be times that you may not qualify and if that does happen, you will remain in our database and be called for future studies.
How much will I be paid to participate?
Compensation amounts vary and it's hard to pin point an accurate dollar amount. Our clients understand and appreciate how valuable your time is and that shows through in the compensation they offer.
What about my privacy?
Food Business Resource respects your privacy and will never divulge your identity, personal information or individual answers unless you specifically give us permission to do so. If you do not qualify for a study, your answers are destroyed and not used for any type of research.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Online Market Research Usability Session about Business Payments Pays $75.00
We invite you to contribute to a 30-40 minute usability interview scheduled on January 27.
You will receive a $75 American Express gift cheque for 30-40 minutes (including setup) of your time.
If you would like to be considered, please send me an email reply; with the following information:
Your name:
Your title:
Your company name:
Your daytime telephone number:
Your cell or evening telephone number:
Some good times to reach you:
Please describe what your business does:
Do you currently use financial software to manage the business finances?
If so, what brand and version?
Does the business accept credit card payments?
If no, do you have an interest in doing so?
If you do accept credit card payments, what percentage of the credit card processing would you say do you do yourself?
And how many credit card transactions would you estimate you process in one month?
Finally, which company provides the Merchant Services for accepting these credit card payments?
Thank you very much for your time and interest. If you appear to be a good fit for the study, I will follow up by telephone soon!
Jim McMurray
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Nationwide ONLINE 3-day bulletin board study $150
Complete survey to see if you qualify.
Survey Link
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
UBO is a large online site that sells high-end mens and womens clothing to europe. We have websites in over 7 languages and our website is visited by thousands of people a day. We are currntly looking for Bloggers / Fashion writters to write/submit articles for our UK website. We need Fashion Bloggers to write daily articles. You will be responsible for submitting topic ideas relevant to the clothing items sold on the website. You also must be able to write and research topics given to you. A backgound in fashion is a must and you must be able to keep current on the new styles and trends. This job is perfect for students or the aspiring fashion writter/editor. This is a great way to get a by line and real writing and deadline experience.The number of weekly writing assignments will be based on ability/experience and payment will be per published article. Please submit your resume, writing example, or currently blog website. If you do not have any fashion experience please tell us why you would be a good candidate. Send to with FASHION BLOGGER in the title | ||
Contact Method: |
Feature Writer ( Job Details Who are we? network. What are we looking for? We are looking to build a long term relationship with talented reliable Feature Writers. If you have the talent we can provide you with regular work. We are looking for writers who feel they can contribute feature length articles to any of the sites in our network. e.g. Fashion/Design | Gadget/tech | Movies | Music Requirements: What is required? Between you and the editor you will decide a social media friendly topic. You will then be responsible for researching and compiling the article, including the photos and links. The standard of copy should require no editing and the article should be ready to publish. Examples of Feature Articles 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Compensation Dependent on the length of the article, e.g. #5 is a much longer feature and so you would be compensated more. Our pay will be inline with feature writers for Mashable, Weburbanist, etc. Email me: | ||
Contact Method: |
Full Time Copywriter – Work from Home as a 1099 is looking for an expert web content writer to help create and develop content for our network of online shopping content sites. Experience with online content management systems (CMS) and SEO are needed. Candidate will work from home as an Independent Contractor. Writer must have superb writing and computer skills Writer will be paid per assignment completed, and should average between $600 to $750/week. is a growing, dynamic, and leading edge Internet marketing website and we are celebrating our 12th year of business. Please send a resume and multiple ONLINE writing clips for consideration, including any blogs and personal websites. E-Mail to and in subject header please type Resume-Insert Last Name- Copy Writer. Please be sure to include writing samples and resume as Word attachments | ||
Contact Method: |
Godiva Chocolatier Surveys
Good luck all!
Godiva Chocolatier is recruiting new members to join its private online community of people who are interested in being consumer consultants to Godiva. As a consumer consultant, you will be asked to share your perspectives on a variety of topics with Godiva and other community members.
As a member, you will periodically receive rewards in the form of Godiva gift cards in exchange for your participation.
Please complete this brief questionnaire to see if you qualify. This questionnaire will take 5-10 minutes to complete.
Research Participants
| ||
We conduct research projects that pay you to review presentations and provide opinions through questionnaires and other measurement instruments. | ||
RPI pays you for your opinions on research through: | || Link |
Panel - mags / books Home Depot, Parents etc
Meredith Corporation is the publisher of leading women's magazines (Better Homes and Gardens, Ladies' Home Journal, More, Family Circle, Fitness, and Parents to name a few) books (such as 1-2-3 books for Home Depot), as well as websites (including,,
If you are selected to join this community, we ask that you log in and contribute your thoughts (via surveys, bulletin boards, etc.) an average of 5-15 minutes per week at whatever time is convenient for you. In addition to providing your feedback and building relationships with other members, you will receive gifts such as Amazon e-gift certificates in exchange for your participation.
Platinum Panel
Hundreds of companies and organizations in your city (and around the country) rely on Platinum Panelists to provide them with valuable feedback and insight.
By becoming a Platinum Panelist, you have the opportunity to directly impact the products and services that these companies offer.
This is a special research panel that pays you to give your opinion. This is not a sales pitch and it costs you absolutely nothing to join. There is the potential to earn between $10 and $100 every time you participate in a project. Projects include discussion groups, taste tests, Internet surveys and a number of other interesting research opportunities.
If you would use my referral id 44649, I would appreciate it. I just get an extra chance into a drawing for anyone I refer.
Thanks, and happy earning!!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A Quick Thanks for my Banner and More!
Also, to my readers, my Dad runs a wonderful website, Resources With Care, featuring tons of wonderful information about the environment, and many helpful links. He, also, has so much more information, including an area for Spirtuality, Earning Opportunities, and much more. Check it out, it's awesome!!!
Big (((Hugs))) for my #1 Dad!!!
Survey Panel for Hispanics
Becoming a panelist is fun, easy and most importantly free! You just need to fill out the online questionnaire form today! Of course, your personal information is always confidential and will never be shared with others.
By joining our group you will be able to:
• Make your opinions count
• Improve products and services
• Test new products before they come to the market
• Earn rewards and cash prizes
From time to time you will be contacted via phone or email to participate in different marketing research studies according to the data that you have provided to us at the membership form.
With the help of people like you, Grupo Xela has been able to assist major companies in understanding the different needs consumers have. So join now, participate and start having your opinions heard!
Want to have fun and participate in a new and different program on the Internet?
Want to give your opinions and get paid for doing it?
Join this program by filling out our simple questionnaire.
Networking to Earn Online
Once I started doing surveys, I created an email group to share invitations that were open to anyone. I became close friends with a few of those, and those friendships have lasted through the years. We started out just sharing information on new companies to join, and good places to find out about new online opportunities.
Everyone asks me how I earn money online. One of the major points I stress, when trying to teach anyone how to make money with legitimate companies, is to network with others who do the same. After all, someone else doing the same thing probably knows a few places that you don't, and vice versa. Join email groups, check out forums, and, of course, find a few good blogs that promote the legitimate FREE companies. You'll quickly know you don't want to be involved if you find yourself receiving all kinds of links for "a free laptop", etc., where you have to sign up for offers (ie. Spam), or worse, give your credit card information, or actually have to purchase something! The point of seeking out these companies is for you to make money, not spend it!
Anyway, I would love to hear opinions from any of you. Do you have tips for online earning? I would, happily, post an article, with a link to your site, if you're interested. Also, if you have any comments on things I could do to improve this blog, etc., I'm definitely interested in hearing them!
Thanks for reading, and happy earning!!!
Join USA Talk
USA Talk
$10 Coffe Card for reviewing a business in Southern Cali
$10 Local Coffee Card
Enjoy a Cup of Joe Paid By Socal411 see locations now
We need your help. Do you know a business owner in your Southern California neighborhood that really deserves a compliment on their good business, good service, or good food?
Then send that business a 20-60 word positive review as an e-card! If they agree to publish your review, we'll mail YOU a special $10 coffee card for you to spend at any Southern California location simply for introducing them to Socal411, and helping the community.
Everyone can think of at least 1 person.
(Yes, this can be a family member, friend, or business neighbor!)
$60 Amazon - IM Study- New study - Only need 2 friends
Are you and your buddies regular users of Instant Messaging? Participate in a 6-week research study to improve your understanding of Instant Messaging (IM). We are looking for groups of at least 3 IM buddies to investigate the use of an extension to the AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). Participants will receive a monetary compensation of a $60 Amazon Gift certificate.
If you are interested, please answer the following questions. We will select participants among the people who complete the survey.
Take note that you will need to recruit at least 2 of your buddies to join you in this study. When you are done with this study, you need to forward a survey to them (see later). All of you need to complete the surveys in order for any of you to participate
Trophy Research panel (hunters & anglers)
Trophy Research is a web-based research company that records the experiences and opinions of hunters and anglers across America.
As a Trophy Research member, your personal input will be heard by hunting and fishing manufacturers across America. All you need to do is answer an occasional survey – you can even choose which sport.
Also, every time you participate in a Trophy Research poll, you’ll be entered to win free gear. From trolling motors to tree stands, Trophy Research members have many opportunities to win merchandise from name-brand manufacturers. You may unsubcribe any time.
Trophy Research
Say Nation- paid surveys
20/20 Shopping Behavior Bulletin Board $75
The study takes place Monday, January 26 - Wednesday, January 28 and will require going online and answering questions 2-3 times each day at your convenience.
For your time and participation you will be paid $75, and as always, any information that you provide will remain strictly confidential.
Market Research Study on Personal Health - Week of January 26th
If you are interested in participating in this project, please complete a brief survey by clicking on the link below. If your answers fall within the criteria we are looking for, we will call you to be screened for the study.
Confidentiality is strictly maintained and only statistics are used. Your response will be very important to the study. If you are not a member of our database, please visit our website ( to register.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.
The Advanced Focus Team
Tell us what you read — and get a $5 Starbucks gift card
Tell us what you read — and get a $5 Starbucks gift card
With all the magazines, newsletters, Web sites — and now blogs — about the manufacturing industry, mechanical design and technology, it’s often hard to decide where to find the most useful information.
So, we’d like to know from you: Where do you find the best information to help in managing your career and professional development? We’ll publish the results in the next issue of PLMD.
Take our three-minute survey and the coffee’s on us.
This one takes, literally, one or two minutes, definitely worth it for a $5 giftcard, although, at Starbucks, that'll probably get you one plain coffee! lol I try to save these up and send them to my Dad, who is a coffee lover... the gift cards you earn make great gifts!
$60 Gift Card For Family Finances Survey
The interview will take approximately 1 hour and will be scheduled at your convenience between: Monday, January 19 - Monday, January 26
If selected to participate, you will be given a $60 online gift card for your time and opinions, and as always, any information that you provide will remain strictly confidential. If you are interested, please click HERE to take a brief survey to see if you qualify.
ONLINE Clothing/ Fashion Study for Women $125 in L.A. area
Clothing/ Fashion
If you qualify and participate, you will receive
for completing an online project for your time and opinions. No sales involved, ever!
To start, you will need to complete a short questionnaire online.
The link is:
This is not an invitation to participate, however, it is an invitation to see if you qualify to participate; we will call you after we review your response if you qualify for this study. Depending on the number of responses we may or may not be able to contact all interested participants.
Note: These questions are for market research purposes. Sometimes we are looking for people that have purchased and/or consumed certain products/services, and sometimes we are looking for people that have not done so. Please be honest with your responses. The sponsor of this research has approved this e-mail message.
We are always looking for more participants in our studies. Please direct your friends and family to register at our website for upcoming studies. Remember, when someone qualifies and participates in our studies, they are paid for their time and cooperation!
Privacy Policy
YOUR PRIVACY IS IMPORTANT TO US. Fieldwork Quantwork Inc. respects the privacy of respondents and individuals who respond to electronic information requests. When you register to become a market research participant with Fieldwork Quantwork Inc., your contact information and other demographic information is added to our database of potential market research participants so that we can contact you when a market research study is being conducted that you may qualify for. To protect the identity and confidentiality of participants in our database, Fieldwork Quantwork Inc. does not resell or redistribute your information to anyone outside of our company.
About Market Research
Market research is the first link between the manufacturer and/or service providers the consumer’s opinion of the product. By answering the questions of opinion and market researchers, consumers make their opinions on products, services and issues known. Using this direct communications channel, the consumer can influence manufacturers and/or service providers to incorporate consumer opinion into products, services and procedures.
To find out more about market research and the market research process, visit
You received this message because you are part of the Fieldwork Quantwork, Inc. participant database. As part of this database, you have agreed to be contacted when study opportunities arise that fit your demographic criteria. If you no longer wish to receive study notifications by email, simply reply back to this message with the word “Unsubscribe” in the subject line. We will do our best to remove your email address from our database. If you could provide your first and last name that would help us locate your file.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Looking for a flexible creative writing job?
Sign up for Triond today, and increase the readership, comments, and income of your writing. Earn monthly revenues while you build a portfolio of your writing. Get paid to publish original content online!
Triond is as simple as 1-2-3:
- You create unique and original content and submit it to us.
- We publish your content on appropriate websites.
- You gain recognition, increase viewership, build a portfolio, and earn royalties.
It's as simple as that.
Creating Content
You may create interesting content on any topic, in any language, and in any media format. You can submit articles you have written, videos and pictures you have shot, or podcasts or original music you have recorded.
Once your content is submitted and approved, we publish it on the website where we feel it will have the greatest impact either on our networks or our partners' networks. Your content will appear on the site that best suits its topic and language. From that moment on, you may increase your readership, gain recognition, begin building your portfolio, and start generating revenue from your content.
Gaining Recognition and Getting Paid
We work to showcase your content in a way that increases its viewership and maximizes its income-generating potential. Authors who try to publish their work individually often face a number of obstacles that have nothing to do with writing, including technical, operational, marketing and financial issues. As a result, most user-generated content does not reach its full potential.
Publishing with us allows you to focus on your creativity and expression, as our professionals take care of all the technical, marketing, operational and financial difficulties. Combining your knowledge, skills and creativity with our publishing expertise is easy and will generate greater readership, wider recognition, higher revenues, and provide a place to showcase your content.
As soon as your content is published, it begins generating revenues from several income sources, such as online advertising that appears on the pages alongside your content. Each month you will earn 50% of the revenue generated by your content in the previous month, and you'll continue to generate royalties every month thereafter.
You will receive your payment on the 15th of each month by check, Western Union money transfer, or directly to your PayPal account.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Free limited edition inauguration cover from The New Yorker
Just complete and submit this page to receive your complimentary inauguration cover. Quantities are strictly limited. Offer valid until January 31, 2009, and through this registration page only.
Click here
Friday, January 9, 2009
Another Mail Decoy Company
This one is easier to get in with. I did a short term project for them about a year ago, very easy.
Go to their website and sign up.
"This is a Decoy Mail tracking service. They send different items to your mailing address, under a "decoy name." You log in each day on their website (whether you receive decoy mail or not) and are paid a small fee and for each piece of decoy mail.
They do this 1) to track timeliness of mailed items and 2) see if anyone is stealing mailing lists."
You can make about $50-$170 each month, depending on how much mail is sent to you and where you live.
Need extra income? Be a mail decoy
We provide various promotion tracking and marketing intelligence services for major national firms. They are interested in a number of things, such as the delivery date and condition of their advertising mail. From time to time, some sample merchandise to check on delivery of customer orders. We also protect their mailing lists against mis-use. In other cases, we track what other companies are doing in the way of advertising in the mail. These are essential services, many of which are also in the public interest.
All you have to do is mark the date received on each special piece as it comes in, enter it on our Web site, and save the mailings for a period of time. We may occasionally ask that you send us specific items.
Participants are credited for each valid item accurately reported. Any mailing costs are reimbursed or, we may make use of UPS call tags, etc.
There may be extra potential opportunities. From time to time some participants get to keep test shipments of merchandise, or get free copies of magazines.
Honestly, you won't get rich as a decoy agent, but many people are delighted to get some extra spending money doing something that's fun with hardly any effort. (We cannot promise any particular amount as this depends on clients' needs for your location and a number of other variables.)
If you are interested in being considered, please fill out and submit the Agent Application Request Form.
Be sure to include your name, phone number, country and city. We will contact you if there is an immediate need for coverage in your area.Make Money Serving Samples in Stores (limited areas)
Just found a post on Gather about a part-time opportunity that one of the members has taken advantage of, and is enjoying it... serving samples in grocery stores. This company only operates in Florida, Georgia, and parts of North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama, but it sounds like it may be a great opportunity for those of you in those areas! I know my sis-in-law used to do these projects for a company here in Oklahoma, and they paid really well. I'll try to find the info on companies that work in other areas, but for now... for any of you in the areas listed, here is some info on the company, and their link. Good luck! It sounds like fun!
Serv Corp, LLC. (SC) is one of the largest demonstration agencies in the Nation. SC enlists the services of over 3000 demonstrators and maintains 5 area offices covering Florida, Georgia, and parts of North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama. SC executives represent over 100 years of Executive Level retail and wholesale food experience. SC is the leading provider of demonstration services for Publix and Albertsons Florida and has been the Exclusive Demo Agency for the Publix Lakeland Division since 1995. Serv Corp utilizes the latest technology for field reporting and operations, from Interactive Voice Response, OCR data entry, document imaging, and web based applications.
Visit Their Website Here
FREE download of Suze Orman's new book: 2009 Action Plan
Just wanted to let you know you can download a free Suze Orman's book
from Oprah today only. It's the complete book---227 pages !
Get Your Free Book
Congratulations Florida Gators, on the National Championship!
I want to offer a huge congratulations to the Florida Gators, on winning the National Championship in NCAA football last night! Yes, I live in Norman, OK, home of the OU Sooners, and I am a die-hard Sooners fan, and I will always love my Sooners! I am proud of you guys, and hey, we make it to the bowl games every year... you don't have to prove to anyone that you are an awesome team! Out of 119 teams, we made it to the National Finals, and our awesome quarterback, Sam Bradford, won the Heisman Trophy this year... no small feat!!! But, although I am a huge Sooners fan (you should see my bedroom, nothing but Sooner gear! lol), I have to admit... checking over my shoulder to make sure no fanatical Sooner fan is going to attack me... if I HAD to choose one team to win the finals over us, it would be the Florida Gators. Their team is awesome, no debating that, just look at the great season they had... AND they won the Nationals year before last as well! But the thing that impresses me most is their players. Their Quarterback, Tim Tebow, won the Heisman last year, and was nominated again this year. For anyone that doesn't know, out of the 119 teams, I believe it's three players that are nominated for the Heisman. But, even better than his playing ability, is the person that Tim Tebow is off the field! He is a great leader, and a super example for football players, fans and anyone else! Watch this short video, that pretty much sums it all up.
Anyway, I'll always love my Sooners, but am thankful that, with the Florida win, a real role model and legend will be focused on, and Tim Tebow is a great example for us all, on living, and the true important things in life. Congratulations!!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Getting Started With Paid Surveys
I first discovered paying surveys a little over nine years ago. I was big into freebie forums... you would be amazed at the things you can get completely free online, if you don't already know! Anyway, I happened upon a post, stating that I could earn ten dollars for completing an online survey. I was skeptical, but figured it was worth a try. A couple weeks later, I received a ten dollar check in the mail... I was hooked! I started putting many hours, including many overnights, into researching this "paid survey" industry. I came across many scam sites, but also came across, literally, hundreds of real companies, that are willing to pay for your opinions on their services, products and ideas.
I have found that most legitimate companies don't contact you on a regular basis. You may receive a survey every month or two. There are a few companies that do send several surveys per week, but those are few and far between, and often pay less per survey. I found that the best way to keep money coming in on a regular basis is to join all of the survey companies that I could find, that offer cash or other incentives for each survey completed. That way, if one of your better companies is only sending out surveys every other month, you still have paid surveys coming in from the many other companies you have signed up with. The most time consuming part of the entire process is signing up for all the different companies, and filling out all the offered profile surveys, BUT, this is the most important part of the process as well. Once you are signed up and have your profiles completed, the easy part starts, getting the actual paid surveys, and getting the checks in the mail!
On finding paid surveys... my most important piece of advice for anyone wanting to get started is, and pay close attention to this... NEVER, EVER pay to sign up with a company, whether it be a survey company, a company offering telecommuting positions, someone offering a "list" of legitimate companies, etc. The companies that are legitimate and are going to pay you will NOT ask you to pay money. That would kind of defeat the purpose, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, however, I have talked to so many people who have seen those ads that sound so appealing, and happily shelled over cash they didn't have, only to be disappointed because, either the company is not legitimate, or they could have found the exact same information elsewhere... for free. On the same note, so called "surveys" that require you to sign up for offers, giving your credit card information, etc., are NOT the legitimate companies that you want to work with. You have to realize, your opinions really are worth money. I think that is the hardest part for most people to accept, because it sounds too good to be true. But, if you think about it, all of the large brand name companies offer products that we buy. Why? Because they sell products we like, and we want. How do they know what consumers want? They ask! Yes, they are more than happy to pay you five bucks, or even two hundred sometimes, to see what advertisement would make you more likely to buy their product, or to see what flavors you would spend money on. Of course! They are going to make a lot more than that few bucks back, when we are all rushing to spend money on their products. I can't give out name brands or company names, as that would be against the terms of service that one must agree to, in order to participate in the market research studies, but I can tell you that I'm looking at a can of soda that I helped to design, by giving my opinions... and I got paid for those opinions.
Product testing... real or scam? The rules for product testing are pretty much identical to the rules given above, for finding real surveys. I do product testing for companies that I have a relationship with, usually the survey companies I have joined. Nobody is going to send you an email out of the blue, offering to pay you five hundred dollars and a laptop. The real product tests will come from companies you are signed up with, in order to give your opinions. They may offer you ten bucks to test some cookies, or they may offer you two hundred dollars for testing something more expensive. More often than not, they will pay somewhere in the range of ten to twenty dollars, but, if you stick with the companies and are reliable and truthful in your opinions, you will get the occasional big paying survey or product test. With product testing, you may, or may not get to keep the product, and you may or may not get paid. Generally, most of the product tests I do offer me the product to use for a specific time (and I get to keep the product), and when I give my honest, in depth opinions, they'll offer a small monetary compensation, again, usually in the ten to twenty dollar range. This is a great way to find new products that you will love, although you will find a few you don't like too! The best part, however, is you get to tell these companies, directly, what you do and don't like about the product. You can give your input on how you would improve the product. You have input on the products that are offered for sale!
Focus groups... If you enjoy giving your opinions, and don't mind speaking in front of other people or being in groups, focus groups are definitely the most profitable way to bring that cash rolling in. There are focus groups online, but you must go through a strict qualification process, and these don't come every day. Usually, the online focus groups will be offered by the same survey companies that offer the regular surveys. An online focus group is a scheduled event, with several people, usually in a chat room setting. It usually lasts for an hour or two, and pay ranges from twenty to over two hundred dollars. They are generally pretty fun and interesting, and it's an easy way to bring in more than a lot of people earn in several days, for a couple hours of chatting.
In person focus groups are similar to online focus groups, but, obviously, are in person. These can usually be found in large cities, and may be listed in your local newspaper, or somewhere like They are generally held at the Market Research company's physical location. You will meet, usually with a group of people, and give your opinions on whatever product or service the discussion is about. It is usually a pretty laid-back setting, with snacks provided, etc., and when you walk out, they present you with a nice check that you can take right down and deposit in your bank account! Focus groups usually pay really well. The lower end of the scale is usually around $50 or so, but many pay $200 or more, for a one to two hour discussion. Schedule a couple hours out of your weekend afternoon for a focus group, instead of that couple hours you would normally spend watching tv, and you will be nicely rewarded. Look in your local yellow pages, and call the market research firms in your area. Ask to be added in their database, and they will call you when they have a study available that needs people matching your demographics!
All in all, doing surveys and product testing can be a fun, profitable endeavor. You definitely won't get rich, but you will get to give your opinions to the companies we're giving our money to, and you will earn some extra cash for bills, fun or whatever. If you are willing to really put your time and effort into this on a regular basis, it is not unrealistic to plan on earning an extra four hundred dollars per month or more, and that is not including the free products, gift cards and other incentives you may receive.
Good luck and happy earning!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Would you like to be a Prevention Tester?
We're looking for readers to help us test out walking shoes, walking skirts and other products in the future. We may even feature you in the magazine or on!
If you're interested, please email us:
• a photo of yourself • shoe size • clothing size • age • hometown
Email us directly at
Minute Rice The Riceipe Club (Product tests, etc.)
Help us, help you ... become a member of The Riceipe Club™ and enjoy the benefits! We occasionally offer online coupons and other special offers. Or, if you’re interested in participating with product research, check 'in-home product placement' and answer a few more questions. What are you waiting for? Sign up today!
Sign Up Here
ARE YOU DIAGNOSED WITH HEPATITIS C? Earn up to $2400 If you have been diagnosed with Hepatitis C you may be eligible to participate in a research study.
To Qualify you MUST:
* Be 18 - 65 years old
* If female, must be either postmenopausal for at least 2 years or surgically sterile
* If male, must be surgically sterile or practicing birth control
Qualified research participants may receive the following at no cost:
* Medical care
* Lab exams
* Investigational medication
* Compensation for time and travel
For more information
Please contact IMPACT CLINICAL TRIALS at 310.289.8242- Ask for Marketing
Microsoft Survey (paid) - Sharepoint or Publisher users
Microsoft User Research conducts thousands of Usability studies and focus group sessions every year. We currently have 2 different opportunities for you to take part in the product development process at Microsoft. Both opportunities involve taking part in an online survey from your location. All participants selected for these studies will select a retail hardware or software product from a list of popular Microsoft titles including Office 2007, Zune Dock Pack, Xbox 360 games and much more.
Opportunity 1: Microsoft Publisher
Do you use Microsoft Publisher on a regular basis? If you meet the criteria listed below we would like to invite you to participate in an online survey:
* US Citizen or permanent resident with Social Security number
* 18 years of age or older
* Work for a business with 3-100 employees
* Use Microsoft Publisher to create marketing materials such as brochures, flyers, newsletters, posters, business cards, or marketing campaigns
* Not employed as an IT Professional, graphic designer or web designer
* Not employed by Microsoft Corporation
If you're interested in participating, please send an email to with a subject of 'Publisher Study'. Include your daytime phone number so we can contact you for further screening. We cannot guarantee that everyone who sends an email will be screened for this study or that everyone who is screened for the study will be scheduled.
Opportunity 2: SharePoint, Groove User Research
For this study we need a mixture of US and Canadian participants. The criteria are pretty specific and we will ask additional screening questions of those people who express an interest in participating.
Criteria for participation:
* Do not work in the IT field or have an IT-related job role including software developers and programmers
* Work for a company with at least 100 employees
* Company must have a web-based internal portal like SharePoint, Plumtree, Documentum, etc. to share/post documents
* Create/author documents/files and share them with other members of your company using a web-based portal at least twice per week
* Participants should use social networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, etc.
* Use Office 2007
If you're interested in participating, please send an email to with a subject of 'SharePoint/Groove Study'.
We cannot guarantee that everyone who sends an email will be screened for this study or that everyone who is screened for the study will be scheduled.
For other User Research opportunities, please fill out our online signup form
Thanks - The Microsoft User Research Team
Low Bone Mass Market Research Study (phone) $50
Women aged 55- 70 who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or low bone mass are needed for a survey about diagnostic methods for osteoporosis.
Survey participants will be paid $50 for their time. The survey is expected to take approximately 45 minutes and will be completed during a telephone interview.
To qualify you must be able to mail or fax a copy of your most recent bone density scan indicating a T-score less than -1.
Please contact Amy at (617) 303-8717 or for more information.
$150 Telephone Interview about Field Communications
Hagen/Sinclair Research Recruiting is seeking Dept. of Transportation and Public Works employees to conduct a paid market research study about field communications.
We would like to hear from people involved with Streets & Highways, Sanitation/Solid Waste, Water & Sewers, Traffic/Bridges/Tunnels, Tree/Landscaping, Pest Control, Animal Control, or Fleet Services/Management.
We invite you to conduct a 60- to 90-minute telephone interview scheduled at a time convenient for you between January 5 - January 13. We would like to speak with you about the communication device or devices that you use to aid your field work and to stay in touch with others in the field.
This conversation will be for research purposes only. No sales or marketing attempts will result from your participation.
You will be compensated $150 to thank you for sharing your experiences and insights. Feel free to share this with those you know working in any large metropolitan area that may qualify.
If you would like to be considered, please send an email reply right away with your answers to the following questions:
What is your name?
What is your title?
What agency / organization do you work for?
What city and state do you work in?
What is your best estimate of how many people live in your geographic area?
How long have you been in your current position?
In a typical week, what percentage of your time would you say is spent in the field, away from the office?
What devices or aids do you regularly use at work for communication purposes (i.e. cell phones, portable radios, push-to-talk devices, wireless data service devices, etc.)
What are your day and evening telephone numbers?
What are some good times for me to reach you?
Thank you for your time and interest. We will contact you very soon if your answers indicate you are good candidate for this study.
Please sign up with Hagen/Sinclair to receive email invitations to other paid market research interviews and focus groups:
Transgender males $40 gc
Thanks for your interest in the
All Gender Health Online Study
University of Minnesota Medical School researchers are looking for people to participate in an online research study. The study looks at the sexual health of transgender people and their male sexual partners.
The results of this study will be used to prevent the spread of HIV and promote the sexual health of transgender people.
To qualify for this study, you must:
Be male
18 years of age or older
Reside in the U.S.A.
Have had sex with a transgender person (male-to-female and/or female-to-male) in the last year
Click Here
20/20 research online focus group for $75 for NJ consumers
Put up your feet, sit back and relax. 20/20 Research is bringing the focus group to you!
We are currently conducting a research study regarding Eating Habits and would like to invite men and women in New Jersey to participate using an online bulletin board. A bulletin board is a new, cutting-edge way to conduct market research, allowing you to participate from your home, office, the local coffee shop or anywhere with an internet connection. The study takes place Wednesday, January 14 & Thursday, January 15 and will require going online and answering questions 3-4 times each day at your convenience. It will take a total of 1 hour (you choose the time of day) over the course of 2 days to answer all the questions.
For your time and participation you will be paid a $75 online gift card, and as always, any information that you provide will remain strictly confidential. To see if you qualify, please click HERE to answer a few brief questions.
Latina women $10 body image survey
This is an online survey about Latina/Hispanic women's body image ideals, gender role orientation, and acculturative experiences.
Description This survey will ask questions about your feelings about your body, your eating habits, your cultural heritage, and your views about gender roles. There are no right or wrong answers, and everything remains confidential. The survey will take about 40 minutes to complete. The survey MUST be filled out in one sitting; you CANNOT save your answers and return at a later time. If you do not wish to continue, you are free to quit at any time. After completing the survey, you will be entered into a lottery eligible to win a 1GB iPod Shuffle or one of 25 electronic gift certificates worth $10. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO READ AND UNDERSTAND ENGLISH.
Web Study This study is an on-line survey. To participate, sign up and you will start the survey immediately after you sign up.
Eligibility Requirements Women must be between the ages of 18 and 30 who self-identify as Latina, Hispanic, or Chicana.
Duration 45 minutes
Pay 10 Dollars
This is another university type like Stanford.You will have to sign up if you have never taken a survey with them before.It is pretty quick and they dont ask many questions.This is the only survey they have with timeslots available right now.
Focus Forward $150 online Bulletin Board
We are currently recruiting respondents to participate in a paid online bulletin board scheduled to take place between Tuesday, January 20th and Thursday, January 29th. For this study, respondents will ONLY be required to log in 3 consecutive days.
Compensation for the 3 day online bulletin board is $150. Please click on the below link and answer a few screening questions to determine if you qualify for this study.
Click Here
If you appear to qualify based on your answers, a Focus Forward representative will contact you with additional questions.
Thank you for your interest in Focus Forward.
Fun, profitable survey site
Global Test Market is definitely one of my favorite survey companies. I have been a member for many years, and it is easy to earn at least $25 per month, or more, if you complete the surveys they send. The cashout level is $50, but it is very easily attainable. You earn points by completing your profile questionairres, completing surveys sent to your email and referring friends. This company is very reliable, and always pays on a timely basis. If you're interested in an invitation, contact me, and let me know you're interested in GTM. Just leave me your first name and email address, and I'll send it right out. You won't be disappointed with this company!
Email me
Survey Savvy
Check it out!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Get Paid for Your Funny Forwards!
Email me
Do Any of You Still Do Paid to Click Programs?
What brings this up? My Dad just told me, he finally reached the $40 payout at e-mailpaysu! Yea! He knows the webmaster, so he knows he'll get paid and everything... I signed up under him a week or two ago, just to try to help him earn the small amount he had left to earn to reach payout. I'm so excited for him... congratulations Dad!
It's also refreshing to hear that there are still good, honest webmasters out there. I know I am still a member of two sites, that I've been with for quite some time, that pay me as soon as I reach the low $2 payout every time. I finally gave up on all the higher payout programs about a couple years ago, due to all the dishonesty, and then clicking away forever, only to have the webmasters refuse to pay.
Anyway, if any of you are interested, both the sites I am with are very easy to earn payout, even without referrals, and as I mentioned, the payout is only $2... and they DO pay! lol The programs are:
Figured I would add the link to e-mailpaysu, as well, since it is a reputable AND paying company!
Get paid for sharing videos, of all kinds!
Customer Service Associates
Connect with Convergys, a global leader in customer care, human resources and billing services. Handle incoming calls and provide customer support for our Fortune 500 clients.
* Competitive Pay Rates
* Full & Part-Time Opportunities
* Medical/Dental/Vision
* 401(K) Savings Plan
* Tuition Reimbursement (Effective Day One)
* Career Advancement
* Work From Home Positions Also Available
Apply at:
Drug Screen and Criminal Background Check required.
Convergys is an EOE M/F/D/V.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Shared Reviews
A few days ago Shared Reviews announced a new "Bounty" program that you may be interested in. Check out the email -
"Hey SharedReviewers,
It took us a few days longer than anticipated, but the author application forms and early customer sign ups are live! You can access the new site by clicking the Apply for Program link in the top right corner of your SharedReviews Profile Home page, or direct dialing in your browser address bar.
So, what are Bounties?
Bounties are assignments from customers for custom content they'd like to purchase for their websites. Although initially this will be articles only, it will eventually include Videos and Photos for all those avid Photographers and Videographers in the community. Basically, customers will publicize Assignments they'd like you to fulfill. Our proprietary matching engine will then recommend the best authors for the assignment based on the criteria they enter, where they'll make their choice based on the profile, history, and work examples authors publicize in their member profiles and the info they enter on the application form.
We have been trialing this program in a private alpha the last couple of months, and with all of the learning we have acquired we see some very cool ways we can revolutionize the pay for content industry for both authors and customers, so expect some earth shattering cool things to materialize when we go live. In the meantime, make sure you come and apply since there's no cost and the earning potential will be huge for those that have the skills, plus we may have some assignments for you even sooner.
The requirements to become accepted as an author in the beta are:
1) You have a SharedReviews member account. Our matching engine will leverage all of the great profile info members have shared, and we'll eventually be integrating all author aspects directly into the SharedReviews site in the future.
2) Youre physically located in North America. We may open this up to other countries with English as their primary language such as the UK and Australia, but we need to keep it simple out of the gate. If [UTF-8?]you’re located in one of those latter two countries and are interested in the program, make sure you let us know either directly through an email ( or on the SharedReviews Forum so we can gauge interest.
3) You can show us examples of work you've done so we can see what you're capable of. You'll have the options of sharing your resume, sample articles, or links to other sites to highlight your experience. Dont worry if you're not a professional freelance writer, we want to open this lucrative vertical up to anyone who has the ability to create great content and wants to pad their income in these times of economic uncertainty, so quality Reviews and your history on SharedReviews both apply as well.
Although we may be opening up sections of the new site over the coming weeks, expect our big beta launch in January where we hope to offer some of the highest author payouts in the industry!
Peter Ejtel
I think this is going to be an exciting program for a lot of people looking to freelance (and NOT through Associated Content!). Hopefully the new SharedReviews will be super cool! I know Im looking forward to it!
If you're not a Shared Reviews member yet, be sure to sign up here and then you can apply for the Bounty program.
Shared Reviews
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Mindfield Online (surveys)
Another great company I've been with for years. Answer surveys, test and keep products, etc.!
Mindfield Online
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Ralph and Edna... Not Your Typical Love Story
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't
mean they don't love you with all they have. Ralph and Edna were both
patients in a mental hospital.
One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool. Ralph
suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool
and stayed there. Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the
bottom and pulled him out.
When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act she
immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now
considered her to be mentally stable.
When she went to tell Edna the news she said, 'Edna, I have good news
and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged, since you were
able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the
life of the person you love. I have concluded that your act displays
sound mindedness.
The bad news is, Ralph hung himself in the bathroom with his Bathrobe
belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he's dead.'
Edna replied, 'He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry. How
soon can I go home?'
Happy Mental Health Day!
You can do your bit by remembering to send an email to an unstable
Done my part!!!